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!euroTC supports the revival! We wellcome every drug rehabilitation institution and every sporting association!

Soccer without drugs Cup, established 1989, revival 2020 / 2021 (swdc / FODC)

Dear Friends,

the site still exists. It contains our history how we played many soccer tournaments since 1989. Many TCs participated during those years and the events are still in our minds; how we gathered, how each TC prepared the tournaments and meetings (including amounts of financial investments). We remember the many football games, the alumni meetings. Every participant was overwhelmed by the hospitality we received at each location. Almost all young participants were abroad for the first time and got to know the culture of the host country. (From Almonte, Spain, to Lviv, Ukraine, from Tessaloniki, Greece, to Bremen, Germany.)

What a good European idea, what a good EU project that embodies the basic ideas of a free and open Europe!

In 1989 the sport idea was brought to life starting in Berlin. The idea was immediately taken up by other TC, so that an international sporting event was held every year. The swdc / FODC is part of the history of EU therapy facilities. It represents the good development of the rehabilitation of addicted people in Europe. Dear Friends: you can still watch this wonderful story of the swdc / FODC on the Internet for some time. Our request is that we save and revive this wonderful idea. What are Your ideas to revitalize the swdc / FODC idea?

We would like to bring together your ideas on how we can revive this event and develop a proposal.

Please send Your inspirations to euroTC as well to Horst Broemer

We will care for Your ideas and come back to You as soon as possible.

Thomas Legl and Fernando Mendes (Board euroTC), Horst Brömer (euroTC/swdc and euroTC/child care project)

Vienna, Coimbra, Berlin, 16.11.2020

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What changes for the TC and Residential Treatment during the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

Safety, Stability and Financing in Residential Treatment for Persons with Substance Abuse – a European Perspective 

Date: Friday May 22nd 14pm to 17pm

Register online here

Format: Two topics will be covered:

• the first one through a round table discussion with opening statements and room for reaction

• the second through opening statements and a moderated discussion for all discussants participating

You can join the webinar:

• as discussant: actively sharing your views through the moderated discussion

• as visitor: following the elaborations without active input

Registration fee:

There is no registration fee for EURO-TC or EFTC members (as discussant or visitor) and visitors

The registration fee for discussants is Euro 30 to be paid at registration

After having submitted your online registration you will be provided with all further details to join the webinar



14h to 15h30 

Exchange of best practice guaranteeing health, safety and stability

The health of clients and the health of employees are paramount. In the TC, it is essential to follow the restrictions. This is a very dynamic demand when we consider the psychological burdens of the clients and their willingness to cooperate:

– How does management ensure security witin the TC?

– How can structural hygiene conditions be produced?

– Can the quality and basic principles of treatment be protected throughout the restrictions? – Can the fundamental right of treatment for addicts be further provided and ensured in this difficult period?

Welcome and Opening Statement

Paolo Stocco, Italy 

Further discussants

Dirk Kratz, Germany 

Phaedon Kaloterakis, Greece

Fernando Mendes, Portugal 

Oriol Esculies, Spain


Thomas Legl, Austria


15h30 to 17h  

Challenges tackling the crises: Financing the extra costs and protecting staff from Burn Out 

Enormous financing challenges are arising from the Corona crisis: facilities have to tackle limited admission or strict admission regulations. Very clearly the number of clients in treatment is going down while the requirement for treatment, addiction and mental health problems are increasing. Staff is confronted with  situation of rising responsibility in this situation of general insecurity. What can facilities do to protect staff and to protect the facility from financial breakdown. Is there  also a motivational impact of the crisis leading back to realize basic values, reconsidering the original strength and dynamic aspects of the TC?

Introduction Statements

Akos Topolanszky, Hungary

Thomas Klein, Germany

Ela Megla, Croatia 

Rui Cecilio, Portugal

David Liddel, Scotland


Fernando Mendes, Portugal

Program and Organising Committee

Chairman: Paolo Stocco, Comunita di Venezia, Italy

Horst Brömer, consultant, Berlin, Germany

Christian Heise, BWLV, Renchen, Germany

Thomas Legl, Therapiesalon im Wald, Reichenu, Austria

Fernando Mendes, Arco Iris, Coimbra, Portugal

Iris Neuretter, Therapiesalon im Wald, Reichenau, Austria

Akos Topolanszky, Madrisz, Budapest, Hungary 

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Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction

Euro-TC or European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction is a network of professional addiction treatment centres covering 31 members in 13 European countries. The office is based in Vienna, Austria.


The network provides exchange of knowledge on the level of professionals as well as clients. It aims for steady progress in optimizing treatment programs towards the needs of the target group. Mutual exchange of best practice and sharing of knowledge is provided through meetings and conferences, common therapeutic, creative and sport activities, training and staff exchange.


There are cooperations within and outside Europe as well. At the moment Euro-TC directly is partner in two EU-funded international projects (FENIQS-EU, Strengthening social support for homeless drug users in Iran). Additionally there is a further involvement through its members in even more international projects. Of course the association engages as well in charitable activities.


Euro-TC is member of other networks and consultative bodies as the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (Consultative Body to the European Commission), the Vienna NGO Forum on Narcotic Drugs (Consultative Body to UNODC), ICAA – International Council on Alcohol and Addiction and in close cooperation with IREFREA and the newly created ECO network in Asia.

Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction, 2022

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