What changes for the TC and Residential Treatment during the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic
Safety, Stability and Financing in Residential Treatment for Persons with Substance Abuse – a European Perspective
Date: Friday May 22nd 14pm to 17pm
Register online here
Format: Two topics will be covered:
• the first one through a round table discussion with opening statements and room for reaction
• the second through opening statements and a moderated discussion for all discussants participating
You can join the webinar:
• as discussant: actively sharing your views through the moderated discussion
• as visitor: following the elaborations without active input
Registration fee:
There is no registration fee for EURO-TC or EFTC members (as discussant or visitor) and visitors
The registration fee for discussants is Euro 30 to be paid at registration
After having submitted your online registration you will be provided with all further details to join the webinar
14h to 15h30
Exchange of best practice guaranteeing health, safety and stability
The health of clients and the health of employees are paramount. In the TC, it is essential to follow the restrictions. This is a very dynamic demand when we consider the psychological burdens of the clients and their willingness to cooperate:
– How does management ensure security witin the TC?
– How can structural hygiene conditions be produced?
– Can the quality and basic principles of treatment be protected throughout the restrictions? – Can the fundamental right of treatment for addicts be further provided and ensured in this difficult period?
Welcome and Opening Statement
Paolo Stocco, Italy
Further discussants
Dirk Kratz, Germany
Phaedon Kaloterakis, Greece
Fernando Mendes, Portugal
Oriol Esculies, Spain
Thomas Legl, Austria
15h30 to 17h
Challenges tackling the crises: Financing the extra costs and protecting staff from Burn Out
Enormous financing challenges are arising from the Corona crisis: facilities have to tackle limited admission or strict admission regulations. Very clearly the number of clients in treatment is going down while the requirement for treatment, addiction and mental health problems are increasing. Staff is confronted with situation of rising responsibility in this situation of general insecurity. What can facilities do to protect staff and to protect the facility from financial breakdown. Is there also a motivational impact of the crisis leading back to realize basic values, reconsidering the original strength and dynamic aspects of the TC?
Introduction Statements
Akos Topolanszky, Hungary
Thomas Klein, Germany
Ela Megla, Croatia
Rui Cecilio, Portugal
David Liddel, Scotland
Fernando Mendes, Portugal
Program and Organising Committee
Chairman: Paolo Stocco, Comunita di Venezia, Italy
Horst Brömer, consultant, Berlin, Germany
Christian Heise, BWLV, Renchen, Germany
Thomas Legl, Therapiesalon im Wald, Reichenu, Austria
Fernando Mendes, Arco Iris, Coimbra, Portugal
Iris Neuretter, Therapiesalon im Wald, Reichenau, Austria
Akos Topolanszky, Madrisz, Budapest, Hungary
