Coimbra, Portugal
13-14 Februar
Mother Child Seminar
organised by ANA JOVEM
Lviv, Ukraine
Soccer without Drugs Cup 2012
Dear friends!
The International Soccer Without Drugs Cup and Youth Forum is one of the most outstanding achievements in the history of EURO TC- European Treatment Centres for Drug Addiction.
Through means of sports the message of a healthy lifestyle and the success in overcoming addiction is spread all over Europe and is connecting our members in a demonstration of their valuable work. Mutual sharing of the benefits of therapy, presentation to the outside and providing added value to the Action Plan on Drugs of the European Commission is the target which we reach through these events.
Euro-TC highly welcomes the extremely appreciated efforts of the colleagues from the Ukraine and the Ukraine local Euro-Tc office in organising the International Soccer Cup 2012. A dedication more than usual made this meeting possible despite of lack of financial means.
The board of Euro -TC sends its very best wishes to the organiser. Our honorary Vice President and founder of the International Soccer Without Drugs Cup, Horst Brömer, is attending the meeting representing Euro-TC. For decades he has been dedicated to our goals and the board is more than happy to be represented by him.
We wish you a successful, exhilarating and above all a fair tournament resulting in new and strengthening of old relations, friendships and cooperation.
Thomas Legl, Euro-TC President
Guadalajara, Spain
04-09 July
Soccer without Drugs Cup