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European Treatment Centers for Drug Addiction
(Adopted on 27 November 1998)

§ 1 - Name and Registered Seat

  1. The Association's name is 'EURO-TC' European Treatment Centers for Drug Addiction.

  2. Its Registered Seat and its Administrative Office are located at Obersulm 5, Friedrichshof.

  3. It is to be registered in the register of associations

  4. The Business Year is the calendar year

§ 2 - Purpose

The association shall pursue exclusively and immediately charitable purposes pursuant to section "Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke" [purposes enjoying tax relief] of Abgabenordnung 1977 [Tax Code] (§§ 51 seqq. AO) in the version that is valid each time.

  1. In pursuing its Purposes, the Association shall be indepedent of any political party or religious denomination.

  2. The Association is a European association; it shall be open to cooperation within and outside Europe as well.

  3. The Association's Purpose is the promotion of measures undertaken by its members to attain the goal of reducing the demand for drugs, or to promote and improve the prevention and treatment services as well as the re-integration into society and into the labour market.

  4. Counselling and assistance for work carried out in ambulatory, partly stationary and stationary facilities;

  5. Promotion of training and further vocational training for pedagogical and therapeutic personnel;

    in particular:

    1. scientific tutoring of practical work;

    2. preparation of international evaluation criteria and quality standards;

    3. promotion of international cooperation;

    4. development and promotion of conceptions of primary prevention as well as support in their implementation;

    5. cooperation with conceptions designed to re-integrate the addicted into the European labour market;

    6. the supportive promotion of pedagogical and therapeuitc schemes for the treatment of druf addicts and their relatives;

  6. Public relations; in particular:

    1. organization of European conferences, research symposia;

    2. expert work;

    3. publication and diffusion of scientific studies and expert information;

    4. exchange of experiences and cooperation with the community of experts;

    5. promotion of own representation at international and European institutions.

§ 3 - Charitable character

  1. The Association shall engage in charitable activities; it shall not pursue primarily its own economic purposes.

  2. Association funds must be used only for Purposes that correspond to the Statutes. The Members of the Association, in their capacity as Members, must not receive any grants from the Association's funds.

  3. The Members shall not receive any share of the Association's assets if they leave the Association, or if the Association is dissolved or cancelled.

  4. No one may be favoured by expenditure that is alien to the Purpose of the Association, or by disproportionately high compensation.

§ 4 - Membership

Natural persons and legal entities that support the Purposes of the Association according to § 2 may become Members of the Association. Three types of Membership are allowed:

  1. Ordinary Member

  2. Associated Member

  3. Honorary Member

The rights and the duties of the three categories of Membership are to be determined by the General Meeting on a proposal of the Board.
The application for Membership shall be examined by the Board. The result of the examination is to be confirmed by the subsequent General Meeting by majority.
Members may only withdraw at the end of the Business Year. Such withdrawal shall be effected by notice in writing to the Board observing a period of two months.
If a Member has contravened gravely the Purposes and interests of the Association or has been in arrears with the payment of Membership Fees in spite of notice to pay for more than a year, he/she may be expelled by the Board with immediate effect. Before such decision is taken the Member must be granted an opportunity to justify themself. Appeal may be lodged with the General Meeting against the decision to expel.
The Membership shall end automatically upon annulment of the legal entity or upon the death of an individual person or if the conditions for admittance no longer apply.

§ 5 - Membership Fees

The Members shall pay Membership Fees in accordance with a decision taken by the General Meeting.

§ 6 - Bodies

The Association has the following Bodies:

  1. the General Meeting

  2. the Board

  3. Special Representatives according to § 30 BGB [German Civil Code]

  4. the Scientific and Social Advisory Council

In addition, work groups and committees may be formed.

§ 7 - General Meeting

The General Meeting shall consist of Ordinary, Associated and Honorary Members. Only Ordinary Members shall have the right to vote. The General Meeting is to be convened at least once per year. It need not be called necessarily at the Registered Seat of the Association.
Extraordinary Gerneral Meetings must be called if this is required by the interest of the Association or if one third of all Members of the Association demand the Board to convene such Meeting, indicating the reasons for such demand.
The call for the General Meeting has to be made by the President in writing with two months' notice and with simultaneous notification of the provisional agenda.

  1. The annual balance sheet as well as the explanatory notes to the annual balance sheet must be presented in writing to the General Meeting for approval, as well as for formal approval of the action of the Board. The General Meeting shall decide by simple majority of the Members present. Members not present may be represented by written proxy. Each Member may be authorised to represent a maximum of two other Members.

  2. The functions of the General Meeting are:

    1. election of the Board

    2. election of the president from the members of the elected Board

    3. formal approval of the action of the Board

    4. approval of the budget of the Business Year to come

    5. determination of Membership Fee

    Decisions on:

    1. participation in societies and membership in other associations

    2. matters of general interest for the Association's activities

    3. admittance of new Members, expulsion of actual Members

    The General Meeting shall decide by a three quarters' majority of the Members present on:

    1. amendments to the Statutes and

    2. dissolution of the Association

§ 8 - The Board

  1. The Board consists of the President, up to two Vice-presidents and up to two other Board Members.

  2. Pursuant to § 26 BGB, the Board is composed of the President and the two Vice-presidents. They represent the Association judicially and non-judicially. Every Member of the Board holds individual power of attorney.

  3. The Members of the Board are elected by the General Meeting for two years by simple majority. Re-election is allowed.

  4. The Members of the Board must be selected from the Ordinary Members of the Association.

  5. No more than two representatives from a single country may be elected to the Board.

  6. After the General Meeting has elected the President, the Members of the Board elect the two Vice-presidents out of their own ranks.

  7. Each Board Member remains in office until his/her successor is elected. If a Board Member retires early, the following General Meeting has to elect his/her successor.

  8. The Board decides by majority.

  9. Decisions of the Board can be taken also in writing or by telephone should time constraints make this necessary.

  10. Amendments to the Statutes which are required for formal reasons by supervisory, judicial or financial authorities may be decided by the Board autonomously. Subsequently, they have to be approved by the following General Meeting.

  11. Presentation of a budget for the Business Year to come. The budget is to be put to the vote at the last General Meeting of the current Business Year.

  12. The Board meets at least 2 times a year.

  13. The Board must present the annual technical report of the last year in writing to the first General Meeting of each year.

§ 8a - Special Representatives according to § 30 BGB

The Board has the right to appoint one or more Managing Director(s). If the appointment is made for several Managing Directors the Association shall be represented by two Managing Directors in common.
Legal or natural persons among the Members of the Association may also be Managing Directors.
The Managing Director(s) shall organize and manage the Administrative Office with a remit to support the Board in exercising the following functions:

  1. guiding and assisting the Members

  2. organizing the General Meetings

  3. co-ordinating the Board's activities

  4. keeping the books

  5. drawing up the budget

  6. drawing up the annual financial statement

  7. co-ordinating various projects of the Association

  8. canvassing financial aid for the realization of current projects

  9. canvassing grants for the running of an Administrative Office

§ 8b - Administrative Office

  1. The seat of the Administrative Office shall be decided by the Board unanimously.

  2. The written administrative language is English.

  3. The Administrative Office shall seek to obtain further additional financing from the European Community and/or other financial backing.

  4. The Administrative Office is directed by a Special Representative or by a Member of the Board.

§ 9 - Recording of decisions

Decisions of the Board and of the General Meeting have to be set down in writing and signed by the respective chairman and by the person charged to take the minutes of the meeting.

§ 10 - Scientific and Social Advisory Committee

  1. The Board may appoint an Advisory Committee for the duration of its term of office.

  2. The Advisory Committee consists of up to nine persons.

  3. The Advisory Committee shall advise and support the Board in exercising its duties.

  4. The Advisory Committee shall define its internal rules autonomously.

§ 11 - Dissolution of the Association and property administration

  1. A three-quarter majority of the Members present at the General Meeting is required to amend the Statutes or to dissolve the Association. The decision may be taken only subsequent to notification in due course of time, announced in the invitation to the General Meeting.

  2. If the Association is dissolved or annulled or of its original Purpose becomes void, the property of the Association shall be devolved to a European charitable organization, and if this is not possible to the Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, Frankfurt, which shall use it directly and exclusively for institutional support to assist addicted persons.


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Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction

Euro-TC or European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction is a network of professional addiction treatment centres covering 31 members in 13 European countries. The office is based in Vienna, Austria.


The network provides exchange of knowledge on the level of professionals as well as clients. It aims for steady progress in optimizing treatment programs towards the needs of the target group. Mutual exchange of best practice and sharing of knowledge is provided through meetings and conferences, common therapeutic, creative and sport activities, training and staff exchange.


There are cooperations within and outside Europe as well. At the moment Euro-TC directly is partner in two EU-funded international projects (FENIQS-EU, Strengthening social support for homeless drug users in Iran). Additionally there is a further involvement through its members in even more international projects. Of course the association engages as well in charitable activities.


Euro-TC is member of other networks and consultative bodies as the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (Consultative Body to the European Commission), the Vienna NGO Forum on Narcotic Drugs (Consultative Body to UNODC), ICAA – International Council on Alcohol and Addiction and in close cooperation with IREFREA and the newly created ECO network in Asia.

Euro-TC  European Treatment Centres for Drug addiction, 2022

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